You wouldn’t be wrong thinking
that way: if anything in this world qualifies deserved by all humanity it would be the very
existence of an inner world of mental, physical, emotional and psychological
saturation we all refer to as peace. The benefit is verse, and there is no
point stressing the detriment of the absence of this in a typical human life.
Contrary however to what may be
expected, the most important things in life often more than often present
themselves to be the most difficult to attain, and in this case acquired. While
humanity as a race has tried to pursue a kind of peace in the sense of
mutualistic understanding and symbiotic intercontinental relationship among her
nations to the common purpose of a global peace, the need for a personal and individual
experience of peace cannot in worth be expressed in contrast to that of global
peace no matter how benefiting this may seem. Thus and thus the continuous
striving for a state of total internal peace not minding the nation, colour,
background, beliefs and individual conviction one may have. Despite this
determination, there has been, in many cases as expected, a great wall of
difficulties to achieving this.
If any man serves a master, he is
a slave to that which he serves. This will sound like what a man said some
thousands of years ago. While this may not yet point out the relativity of this
to the subject of discussion, it will when we put secrets and peace in the same
Secrets are secrets, and secrets
are dirty. Irrespective of the justification we may forge for it, it is
nonetheless still the human way of hiding our true nature from others. It is
our own way of hiding our fears, our doubts, our imperfections, and most
importantly our unholy or if preferred wicked intents and acts from others.
Secrets as they present themselves are very much easier to live with, which
makes it very difficult a thing to let go off. As indicated in the post THINGS
EVERY MAN WILL GUARD WITH HIS LIFE, secrets stands one of the things that a
man rather than live divulging will die protecting. It is amazing to see how
secrets easily disturb our peace.
That something is a secret means
it is meant for no mind than you alone. The very possibility of this being
violated is what raises in you this consciousness of being on your guard always.
It is this show of necessary unavoidable concerns that enslave you to a
perpetual undiminishing cynical fear which by function unsettles your mind and
so doing ceaselessly disturbs your peace. You find yourself constantly worried
about the possibilities of the storm of truth uncovering the roof of your
secrets. This constancy effectively prevents you from having and living a
peaceful life no matter how much you desire it. And in as much you have those
rotten skeletons you call secrets, your mind not may, but will never know absolute
peace. If you are ever going to enjoy peace of mind in life, the first step is
keeping no secrets no matter how little they may be. Whatever you ascribe too
much value to in life is capable of holding you to ransom. And secrets for one,
is one of those things that does this detrimentally.
Hatred is a fuel, and it burns
destructively. Unlike every feeling driven by passion, hatred more than everything
does all harm and no good. This is possible because in hatred there is no place
for reasons. And since there is no place for reason and justification it is
done with no constraint, no check, and no limit. Unguarded. What this does
basically to you is get you consumed in this uncontrolled feeling of
monstrosity, the victim of which is your mind. Since hatred flourishes in the
absence of good and humane thoughts, your mind get filled with wicked and evil
thoughts that persuasively beg to be acted on. This persuasiveness and
seduction when successfully materialized puts you in a state of unrest since
pointing a finger also means having the four towards you. It is impossible
therefore in this kind of situation to think of a mind at peace when hatred
four times much your own is coming in every direction towards you.
Not keeping secrets may be too
hard a thing to do, but hating on someone will never be. As easy as hating on
people is, it is an act you much stubbornly desist from if you will live the
rest of your life on earth in absolute peace. Remember, there is no just cause
for hatred as well. None.
Hatred is a thing, enmity is
another thing. It is impossible to have enemies, it is possible not to keep
one. Life by default gives us all an injury of complication, and keeping
enemies is adding more salt to this injury. People may become jealous of you,
and for some reasons you can’t fathom decide to blacklist you as a potential
enemy. For people whose success are nothing but a dangerous threat to the
survival of many this may be very tempting. But no matter how earnest and pressing
the pressure is temptation as this must be earnestly resisted. Keeping enemies
for yourself as a person is making yourself no better than what an enemy is.
Basically an enemy exist to stop you from existing. Since that is the goal, by
acknowledging yourself as an enemy to another person you exist to stop another
from existing. What this means is that you end up losing everything that makes
you you. Your humanity, sanity, morality, and most importantly rest of mind.
The bad thing is you will go a long way to nothing but a destructive end.
Because in reality, in the game of enmity, you don’t actually defeat an enemy;
you only help yourself in making stronger ones. So instead of you being hunted
by a lion, you end up being hunted by a whole clan of them. And with such list of
enemies passing your radar of malignancy, there is little or nothing left of
peace for you, whether or not you are ready to acknowledge the fact.
If peace like seeds are sold in
market I will trade gold to buy some for my soul, but it is not. Some will take
a religious and spiritual view on what true peace of mind is, that is fine by
me, and it is okay. But for those of us who do not so much well find the
spiritual appeal effective and has been looking for a more practicable way,
this may not be all the steps there is to an absolute peace, but it is
nonetheless a good place for a good start.
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