
Monday 23 October 2017


Time, the only equal of God: 

Eternity it goes without an end.

Independent and self-sustaining,

Immortality unchecked.

In her we have our being,

Living every day in her grace.

Always defined by her,

But never for once defined by us.

Abundant but never abundant,

Yet in everyone’s possession.

Unbiased and impartial:

An advocate of equality for all.

A good pretext for laziness.

The lazy man has her for his inadequacy.

A great source of wealth,

The hardworking man has her to praise.

Omniscience and all knowing.

Time will tell we all do say.

Omnipresent like the sky,

Always watching everywhere we go.

Too late to tell I know,

But never too early to consider:

God and time,

The two things eternal and forever.

By Olusanya Olaleye

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